Welcome to Social Page!
The social media platform
guaranteed to bring you online
fame and noteriety!
[[Build Your Profile|Name]]
(set: $Name to (prompt: "What is your name?", ""))
Hi $Name!
Thank you for chosing this platform,
we're so excited to see you succeed!
We're going to ask you a few question
to get an idea of how we can help
you become famous.
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
[How old are you?
|options>[|option1>[13 to 15](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[Oh perfect!
You're the best age to start.](set: $Age to "13-15")]
|option2>[16 to 18](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[You're on the cusp of being too old,
but we can work with this!](set: $Age to "16-18")]
|option3>[19 to 21](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[You're a little too old
but we'll see what we can do.](set: $Age to "19-21")]
|option4>[22 to 25](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[You're too old but we
might still be able to make this
work.](set: $Age to "22-25")]
|option5>[26 to 30](click:?option5)[(replace:?options)[You're too old but
we'll see what we can do.](set: $Age to "26-30")]
|option6>[30+](click:?option6)[(replace:?options)[Are you serious? This
is going to a disaster.](set: $Age to "30+")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
What is your gender identity?
|options>[|option1>[Male](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[Oh perfect, you've made this so
much easier!](set: $Gender to "Male")]
|option2>[Female](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[Great! We'll have to think about your
look if you want to get
anywhere though.](set: $Gender to "Female")]
|option3>[Non-binary](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[Oh that could be marketable!](set: $Gender to "Non-Binary")]
|option4>[Would Prefer not to say](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[$Name you're making this
hard on yourself, you wont
do well if you're not willing
to be open and transparent
about these details of your life.](set: $Gender to "Prefer not to say")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
(Print:"Gender:" + $Gender)
What is your sexuality?
|options>[|option1>[Straight](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[Oh great,
you've made way easier!](set: $Sexuality to "Straight")]
|option2>[Gay](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[Slay queen!
I can do a lot with this.]]
|option3>[Lesbian](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[I can see you fitting
into a niche market!](set: $Sexuality to "Lesbian")]
|option4>[Asexual](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[I can work with that
but maybe don't bring it up again.](set: $Sexuality to "Asexual")]
|option5>[Bisexual](click:?option5)[(replace:?options)[Oh that could be
marketable!](set: $Sexuality to "Bisexual")]
|option6>[Would Prefer not to say](click:?option6)[(replace:?options)[$Name you're making this hard on
yourself, you'll never get anywhere
if you're not willing to be open
and transparent about
these details of your life.](set: $Sexuality to "Prefer not to say")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
(Print:"Gender:" + $Gender)
(Print:"Sexuality:" + $Sexuality)
Where are you from?
|options>[|option1>[America](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[Wonderful, you're exactly
where you need to be!](set: $Location to "America")]
|option2>[UK](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Uk")]
|option3>[Ireland](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Ireland")]
|option4>[Central Europe](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Europe")]
|option5>[Africa](click:?option5)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Africa")]
|option6>[Australia](click:?option6)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Australia")]
|option7>[Asia](click:?option7)[(replace:?options)[$Name would you consider
relocating?](set: $Location to "Asia")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
(Print:"Gender:" + $Gender)
(Print:"Sexuality:" + $Sexuality)
(Print:"Location:" + $Location)
What is your economic background?
|options>[|option1>[Upper Class](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[Wonderful! you've made this easier](set: $Money to "Upper Class")]
|option2>[Middle Class](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[You're on the right track then!](set: $Money to "Middle Class")]
|option3>[Working Class](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[I guess that could work if we made
it part of your brand.](set: $Money to "Working Class")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
(Print:"Gender:" + $Gender)
(Print:"Sexuality:" + $Sexuality)
(Print:"Location:" + $Location)
What is your ethnic group?
|option1>[White](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[That takes a weight
off my shoulders!](set: $Ethnicity to "White")]
|option2>[Black](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[I'm not going to lie,
this is going to be a lot harder now.](set: $Ethnicity to "Black")]
|option3>[Asian](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[I guess that could work
if we made it part of your brand.](set: $Ethnicity to "Asian")]
|option4>[Hispanic](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[A little niche but
we can make this work!](set: $Ethnicity to "Hispanic")]
(Print:"Name:" + $Name)
(Print:"Age:" + $Age)
(Print:"Gender:" + $Gender)
(Print:"Sexuality:" + $Sexuality)
(Print:"Location:" + $Location)
(Print:"Ethnicity:" + $Ethnicity)
Your profile has been created,
from here you'll begin the journey
to success through the wonderful
tool of social media! It's up to you
to make the right decisons (with a
little help from yours truly now and
then)and build your brand to properly
reperesent who you are and what you
aim to do. Good luck $Name!
[[Let's Begin|Social Page Intro]]
Welcome to your home page!
Becoming a successful influencer isn't
quite as complex as you may think,
above all else you need to be determined,
transparent and interesting.
Sounds easy enough!
[[Lets Start|First Post]]
Do you want to know the secret to a
successful career in content production
$Name? It's producing content!
This post is the first impression
you will leave on the internet so
make it count!
|option1>[Pop-culture Reference](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Good Morning Vietnam!//]
You might want to try having an
original thought!]]
|option2>[Simple](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Hello World!//]
Wow, so creative! Be real about
this $Name, if you want to get
anywhere you'll have to start
taking this more seriously]]
|option3>[Cute](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I hope i'm doing this right!//]
Cute is nice but it's only
going to work if you tick
boxes in the looks department]]
|option4>[Dramatic](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I'm here to fuck shit up!//]
A bold statement I see,
that fire can certainly be helpful
but I would suggest using it a
little more practically
[[Submit|First Following]]
This is where you decide the genre of
content you're going to be posting by
building your digital family. These
are the posts you'll see on your timeline
consistently so choose wisely!
|option1>[Beauty Blogger: 500,000 Followers](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[You're on the right track, this
is certainly a good role-model for you to
|option2>[Celebrity: 20,000,000 Followers](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[Be real, you're following them
because you're a fan, not because you'll
ever be this popular.]]
|option3>[Comedian: 100,000 Followers](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[Oh great option! You don't even have to
be traditionally attractive for this to
|option4>[Lifestyle Blogger: 1,000 Followers](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[I guess the niche option could work,
you're not really shooting too high though
$Name!][[Submit|First Follower]]]
[[Submit|Second Post]]
''Lifestyle Blogger Followed You Back''
Well I guess that paid off, for now.
[[Submit|Second Post]]
You've dipped your toes in the water,
now it's time to start swimming,
the more content you post the further
solidify your position in one genre
of social media so choose wisely
and above all else, consistency is key!
|option1>[Funny](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I totally wrecked my
friends with this taser prank!//]
The market is a little saturated
but the more you push boundaries
the better you'll do!
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]]]
|option2>[Simple](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)(go-to: "Second Post Revised")]
|option3>[Friendly](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I thought it would be nice
to share some of my favourite
music! -Insert Playlist link-//]
The more personal and open you
are with your audience the better
you'll do in the long run $name
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]]]
|option4>[Dramatic](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//S/O to the bitch that stole
from me!//]
A bold statement I see,
that fire can certainly be helpful
but I would suggest using it a
little more practically
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]
If you want to be realistic about
your success you should consider
spending some money on a paid
promotion to boost engagement.
|option1>[Do it](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[That's the spirit!]
[[Do it|Third Post]]]]
|option2>[Don't do it](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[You're making a mistake]
[[Don't do it|Third Post 2.0]]]]
What did we talk about with this
boring bullshit? $Name, if you're
not going to take professional
advice seriously then why are you
even bothering?
Try again and make it good.
|option1>[Funny](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I totally wrecked my
friends with this taser prank!//]
The market is a little saturated
but the more you push boundaries
the better you'll do!
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]]]
|option2>[Friendly](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I thought it would be nice
to share some of my favourite
music! -Insert Playlist link-//]
The more personal and open you
are with your audience the better
you'll do in the long run $name
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]]]
|option3>[Dramatic](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//S/O to the bitch that stole
from me!//]
A bold statement I see,
that fire can certainly be helpful
but I would suggest using it a
little more practically
[[Submit|Pay For Promo]]
You're getting the hang of things now,
if you listen to our advice you'll do
|option1>[Current Events](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Elon Musk states's we'll
have a colony on Mars by 2065 in recent
Vice interview//]
It's interesting and might work but
you're taking a risk parroting the
opinions of bigger news sources.
[[Submit|Boost In Likes]]]]
|option2>[Funny Video](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I drove around Bristol and
threw water balloons at cyclists!//]
The teenagers on this platform are
going to think this is hilarious!
[[Submit|Boost In Likes]]]]
|option3>[Personal Story](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Here's my storytime
on how I bought my house and an
in-depth tour!//]
This is perfect! The more you build
a connection with your fanbase the
better you're going to do!
[[Submit|Boost In Likes]]]]
|option4>[Celebrity Drama](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Sources caught Kim
Kardashian breaking LA lockdown
to visit friends in Derry!//]
You'll do well but don't expect
longevity, a quick lawsuit and
you're done.
[[Submit|Boost In Likes]]]]
You're getting the hang of things now,
if you listen to our advice you'll do
|option1>[Current Events](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Elon Musk states's we'll
have a colony on Mars by 2065 in recent
Vice interview//]
It's interesting and might work but
you're taking a risk parroting the
opinions of bigger news sources.
[[Submit|No New Likes]]]]
|option2>[Funny Video](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//I drove around Bristol and
threw water balloons at cyclists!//]
The teenagers on this platform are
going to think this is hilarious!
[[Submit|No New Likes]]]]
|option3>[Personal Story](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Here's my storytime
on how I bought my house and an
in-depth tour!//]
This is perfect! The more you build
a connection with your fanbase the
better you're going to do!
[[Submit|No New Likes]]]]
|option4>[Celebrity Drama](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)[(text-colour:red)[//Sources caught Kim
Kardashian breaking LA lockdown
to visit friends in Derry!//]
You'll do well but don't expect
longevity, a quick lawsuit and
you're done.
[[Submit|No New Likes]]]]
''600 New Likes''
''50 New Followers''
Do you see what happens when you take
the right advice?
[[Next|Personal Post Prompt]]
''No New Likes''
You're being stupid not taking this
opportunity $Name, but we're going
to give you one more chance to make
the right choice.
[[Do it|Boost In Likes]]
[[Do it|Boost In Likes]]
If there's one thing that an audience
loves, it personal stories. You want
to do what you can to build a
connection with the people helping you
pay your rent.
[[Post it|Post Personal]]
[[Don't Post it|Post Anyway]]
(text-colour:red)[//You guys have been asking about my
recent, very personal breakup so here's
an in-depth post all about it for
thousands of people to see.//]
[[Next|Increased Likes]]
$Name if you're going to keep ignoring
advice we'll have to take matters into
our own hands
(text-colour:red)[//You guys have been asking about my
recent, very personal breakup so here's
an in-depth post all about it for
thousands of people to see.//]
[[Next|Increased Likes]]
''1,000 New Likes''
''200 New Followers''
Look at those results!
[[Next|Follow More Accounts]]
You've started building your base,
now back to networking
|option1>[Tech Blogger: 100 Followers](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)(go-to: "Try Again")]
|option2>[Beauty Blogger: 500,000 Followers](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[You're on the right track, this
is certainly a good role-model for you
to follow.
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
|option3>[Celebrity: 20,000,000 Followers](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)[Be real, you're following them
because you're a fan, not because you'll
ever be this popular.
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
|option4>[Comedian: 100,000 Followers](click:?option4)[(replace:?options)
[Oh great option! You don't even have to
be traditionally attractive for this to work!]
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
Now that you've started building a good
follower base you'll be able to start
making some actual money! Product
promotions are a great way to support
a business while they support you, and
you can gain even more follower!
Since you're still relativley small
though the choices might not be what
you want but you have to take what
you can get!
[[Diet Pill Brand|Boost in Followers]]
[[Datamining Phone Game|Boost in Followers]]
[[Fast Fashion Brand|Boost in Followers]]
[[Adult Toy Shop|Boost in Followers]]
$Name this isn't going to work if you
are going to mess around, take it
seriously or give up.
|option1>[Beauty Blogger: 500,000 Followers](click:?option1)[(replace:?options)[You're on the right track, this
is certainly a good role-model for you
to follow.
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
|option2>[Celebrity: 20,000,000 Followers](click:?option2)[(replace:?options)[Be real, you're following them
because you're a fan, not because you'll
ever be this popular.
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
|option3>[Comedian: 100,000 Followers](click:?option3)[(replace:?options)
[Oh great option! You don't even have to
be traditionally attractive for this to work!]
[[Next->Paid Promo for Sketchy Product]]]]
''15,000 New Likes''
''10,00 New Followers''
''You made £200''
That's what you like to see!
[[Next|Hate Mail]]
//You're such a sell out you
bitch -Anon//
Everybody get's a little bit of
hate every now and then, it's
just part of making it big!
[[Get Over It|Hate Mail 2]]
//I wish you were dead -Anon//
//Bitch -AdamR345//
//This your address? *********** -Anon//
//$Name you're going to crash
and burn -BTSStan_66//
[[Get Over It|Hate Mail 3]]
//Why don't you just fuck off -Anon//
//You're ripping off another creator!
//You're so ugly :D -Anon//
//Fake -Pani56//
//I wish you were dead -HarryBae98//
//Kill yourself -Anon//
//No-one asked for this -MandyRae4//
//your desperation is sad i can't trust
ya -CH//
//I'm embarrassed for you -lisalisa815//
[[Get Over It|Offer for Paid Promo]]
Since you have a good following you
can re-invest the money you made to
grow your platform more! For the small
price of £300 a larger creator will
promote your content to their huge
[[Do It|Increase In Followers]]
[[Don't Do It|Money Taken Anyway]]
''30,000 New Likes''
''20,00 New Followers''
$Name I don't know why we keep doing
this, do you want to become an
influencer or not? I've given you
advice and time and time again you
blatantly ignore me. I want you to do
well and at this point I have a vested
interest in you so i'm not going to let
you throw away all our hard work!
''£300 transaction has been completed''
[[You'll thank me later|Increase In Followers]]